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The LoCoFit Show

Feb 23, 2023

On today's podcast, Laurin and Karina discuss the 5 foundational pillars they use as a framework to become their best self.

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Feb 15, 2023

This week Laurin is joined by Rick, our team mental health consultant to discuss how to handle having a crush when in a relationship.

Have specific questions for us you'd like answered on the podcast? (Your questions are completely confidential!) 

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Feb 9, 2023

This week Laurin interveiws Kasey Jo on how to begin working to change how you view yourself. 

For more information on The Subtle Art of Fat Loss:

Have specific questions for us you'd like answered on the podcast? (Your questions are completely confidential!)

Submit them here:

Feb 1, 2023

This week Laurin and Rick are team up to discuss how to master communication with your partner to create a lasting relationship.

Have specific questions for us you'd like answered on the podcast? (Your questions are completely confidential!)

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