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The LoCoFit Show

Sep 28, 2022

On today's episode, Laurin and Rick discuss when to start therapy, the relationship you should have with your therapist and stopping therapy.
To contact Rick for mental health consulting, email
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Sep 21, 2022

On today's episode, Laurin and Danielle discuss what not to do during peak week. From adding in new foods, cutting water, and much more. Listen for their suggestions to set yourself up for the best peak!
Inquiry about 1:1 coaching with Team LoCoFit. 
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Sep 14, 2022

On today's episode, Laurin and Rick discuss dealing with technology burnout. Regardless of your career, more and more of us are finding ourselves struggling to balance the demands of an increasingly higher tech-world with our families, friends and sanity. Listen for their suggestions on how to successfully balance...

Sep 7, 2022

On this week's episode Laurin interviews Racquel on all things skin care. From the benefits of PRP for hair loss, sculptra, and fall skin care tips.

Check out Racquel's skin care line:

Have specific questions for us you'd like answered on the podcast? (Your questions are completely...