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The LoCoFit Show

Aug 25, 2021

Today's episode is all about the benefits of cardiovascular exercise! Laurin and Gill discuss the benefits of cardio and go into detail on how cardio should be applied for general health, sport performance and physique enhancement. They also dispel some myths on HIIT training and when to program it in! 

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Aug 23, 2021

On today's episode, Laurin and Gill share strategies on how to navigate sharing pantry storage. For a bit of context, we had a question sent in from a listener who is in a newly blended family and struggling with the mindless snacking and having potentially triggering foods around 24/7. Whether it's...

Aug 16, 2021

On today's episode, Laurin is joined by Dr. Bill Campbell, who runs the Physique Enhancement Laboratory at USF. They discuss their paper that recently got published "Flexible vs. rigid dieting in resistance trained individuals seeking to optimize their physiques", which was the research study Laurin ran during...

Aug 11, 2021

In the last episode, we covered what defines narcissistic personality disorder. In todays episode, Laurin and Rick expand the conversation to cover dating a narcissist, a sad (and potentially dangerous) situation many people find themselves in. They discuss how to spot the signs early on, how to avoid them in the...

Aug 9, 2021

We've all heard the term narcissistic before, but what actually defines narcissistic personality disorder? In today's podcast, Laurin and Rick cover what qualifies as NPD, different patterns of narcissism, how narcissists psychologically neglect others and ultimately, how it negatively affects the people in their...