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The LoCoFit Show

Oct 26, 2022

On this weeks episode Laurin and Rick discuss the new viral show, Jeffrey Dahmer.

Have specific questions for us you'd like answered on the podcast? (Your questions are completely confidential!)

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Oct 19, 2022

On today's episode, Laurin and Karina discuss her decision to come off birth control. Why she made this decision and the benefits she has seen thus far. 
Inquiry about 1:1 coaching with Team LoCoFit. 
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Oct 12, 2022

This week Laurin is joined by Rick, our mental health consultant to discuss Carl Jung's concept of the shadow self.

To contact Rick:

Have specific questions for us you'd like answered on the podcast? (Your questions are completely confidential!) Submit them here:

Oct 5, 2022

This week Laurin interviews rockstar Tommy Vext to discuss his childhood, drug addition, weight loss and how he was able to overcome many of these life hurdles. 

Have specific questions for us you'd like answered on the podcast? (Your questions are completely confidential!) Submit them here: