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The LoCoFit Show

Jul 27, 2022

On today's episode, Laurin interviews Dr. Bill Campbell on how to read research and what you actually need to know to make it applicable to your life. 
Check out Dr. Cambpell's new research review Body by Science and download the inaugural issue for free! 
Inquiry about 1:1 coaching with Team LoCoFit. 
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Jul 25, 2022

On today's episode, Laurin dives into what it means to be present and why cultivating this skill impacts everything in your life.
Inquiry about 1:1 coaching with Team LoCoFit. 
Have a question for the podcast? Submit it anonymously through this link.
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Jul 20, 2022

On today's episode, Laurin and Karina discuss how to handle seeing the scale increase during a reverse diet.

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Jul 18, 2022

On today's episode, Laurin and Rick answer the question: Can you save a relationship after an affair?

Subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive content and to be the first to hear about our new app that's dropping very soon! Have specific questions for us you'd like answered on the podcast? (Your questions are...

Jul 13, 2022

On today's episode, Laurin interviews Tony Montgomery Jr on managing fatigue in strength athletes. They discuss the changes Tony has made to his clients programming and how these theories can be applied to anyone looking to stay injury free!

Have specific questions for us you'd like answered on the podcast? (Your...